Call for the acceptance of research projects in the field of medical education
Medical Education Research Center intends to report the results of research projects carried out in the field of medical science education to support the thesis and original research articles and help promote the university academic position in the approved journals and scientific- research journals and offer incentive award in addition to the Research Council grant of the medical school. Having provided incentive award is including the name of Tabriz Medical Education Research Center as the author supporter.
The faculty members are ready to provide advice and guidance to facilitate the publishing papers in the valid scientific journals to the colleagues. Please contact us for more information with the following phone number: 04133373446
Research priorities
The Faculties Domain
1. Factors affecting the job security of the faculties
2. Factors affecting the development of the faculties educational motivation
3. The current status of professional ethics and adapting to its optimal status in society.
4. Faculties performance (educational, research)
5. Strategies for improving faculties’ capabilities
6. Educational scholarship system and providing strategies for its quality
7. Improving the level of communication skills between the faculties and students
The Graduates Domain
2. Improving the academic motivations in the learners
2. Professional and educational needs of students in different levels
3. The ability of graduates to perform their professional tasks after graduation
4. Educational and training problems of the students
Health Domain
1. Health system (management, priorities and evaluation of educational domains)
2. Medical education, research empowerment and continuous education
Community Needs Domain
1. Educational needs assessment in accountable medical education amongthe faculties and students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
2. Strategies to promote education in different areas (community, family, outpatient, operating room) in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
3. Needs assessment and its educational programs compatibity with community needs
Education System
1. Expectations from the graduates at university and its compatibity with educational approaches
2. Coordination, overlapping and interdisciplinary contradictions at the University
3. The university needs to develop new fields
4. Methods and strategies for quality improvement in clinical and basic education
5. Strategies to increase the effectiveness of clinical and basic education
1. Analysis of educational programs evaluation system at the university
2. Evaluation of faculty members in educational groups (from the viewpoints of students, colleagues and self-assessment) and their comparison
3. Learning environments evaluation in different disciplines of medical sciences at the University and determination of valid criteria
4. Use of assessment methods or clinical groups by the departments
5. Departments use from the assessment methods
Economics of Education
1. Direct and indirect costs of education per capita in different fields and time and ways to reduce costs and increase productivity
Educational techniques and media
1. The quality of e-learning indicators in Tabriz University of Medical Sciences
2. Comparison of the effectiveness of various e-learning
3. Providing a model for e-learning in medical education
4. Designing and preparing e-learning packages
5. Information technology strategies in Medical Education
Management and leadership in medical education
1. Use of modern methods of Educational Administration by heads of the departments
2. Management practices in teaching hospitals
3. Promoting strategies and the use of effective management at the University
Professionalism education
1. Must-to-knows of medical professionalism
2. Ethical challenges in the country education system
3. Professionalism education and Challenges
4. Professionalism Contradictions in medical sciences education and strategies for dealing with them